Give your child a summer of learning & fun!
Full Day Camp Ages 4 -12
June 23rd - August 8th
9:00am - 4:00pm
June 26th - August 11th 9:00am -4:00pm, Monday through Friday
welcome to our
Ability School SUMMER CAMP
Academic Mornings & Activity Filled Afternoons
-Weekly Field trips and Adventures-

our benefits
Working on individualized programs in the mornings,
students can enhance their academic skills in subjects
like reading, writing, science, study skills and math.
This allows them to explore areas of interest or get
ahead in a subject that they find challenging.
Afternoons are spent celebrating and enjoying all the
fun that summer has to offer! Outdoor activities,
crafting, sports, water fun, games and art are included
as well as engaging weekly field trips to nature centers
and museums.
“We love and appreciate the smaller class sizes, which allow for more attention to be paid to each student. No one feels left out or behind. We are able to see just how much the teachers care about their students and their scholastic growth, by making sure that they understand each topic fully before moving on to the next. And, how this school promotes the students to figure out issues on their own, instead of doing it for them.”
-Ability School Parent
“We love The Ability School for so many reasons. The diverse enrollment allows children from a young age to accept everyone without consideration to their background. My daughter learns a lot about different cultures and she is proud to tell people what she knows about them.”
Ability School Parent
“My daughter has never been this happy during her summer holiday as she was this year after spending some great and fun times at your camp! I appreciate what you do for the kids and for their parents who can participate!”
Ability School Parent